Tuesday 19 February 2013


Youth FGBMFI Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International

Young People are not the church of tomorrow, they are the church of today!

The FGBMFI recognise (like Jesus showed us in the scriptures) that we should not hinder the little children; but embrace and encourage them to move in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  The Word says that 'out of the mouths of babes and sucklings ... He would bring forth wisdom.

Each FGBMFI chapter should have a section for the youth in their area.  There are already youth chapters affiliated to the local chapter; throughout the whole of the USA, which are reaching the young people in their local area.
Of course there needs to be spiritual oversight and accountability, but not in an oppressive way, but in a bible based, Holy Spirit led way.

Youth, by default, are still part of the 'one flesh' of their parents (the fruit of the family) according to the bible, that is until they marry for themselves and leave home. However, young people need a voice and the FGB leadership need to 'hear that voice and respond to it', so young people, please contact us with your Holy Spirit led suggestions and initiatives, so we can explore how best to support you.

We welcome your Christian testimonies and suggestions.

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